Wanted to share something I stumbled across that has worked out well. Along the side of the highway near my house (
straw bale) I noticed a white pile and, as a professional scrounger I stopped to see what it was. Turns out the highway department had reapplied the reflective beads to the stripes in the road and just dumped the leftovers. I scurried off with a couple of five gallon buckets of the stuff having no idea what I was going to do with it. Later, as I was putting the finishing coat of exterior plaster on the little straw bale vault that is my bed womb, I decided to try embedding some of these reflective micro beads in the wall. After I had it troweled out smooth I simply got my hand moist and with a flat hand transferred the beads from the
bucket to the wall. Some fell off but a lot stuck. I troweled over it and got a nice skip effect. It looked kinda cool in fact. The real surprise though is when light hits this east facing wall in the morning. It suddenly becomes resplendent with the sun's rays and is a thing of incredible beauty. I plan to do the same thing on the side of the house that headlights hit when driving up. I was lucky to score all I need for free but looked around and they're called "reflective glass beads" and are readily available from many sources. Fun stuff.