Enjoyed the video. Thank you.
Extensive Fish Farming really interests me. I have studied intensive fish farming
enough to realise it is frought with many problems and much expense in terms of labour and capital. Losses can be huge if some part of the whole construct
should fail or merely not work optimally.
Feed costs... labour management.... heating.... filtration...... disease.... all putting pressure on price that is squeezed from the other end by aggressive competition.
I have done this sort of thing with something else and the fun factor quickly died. No thanks. Success in my book must have a measurable factor of fun or what's the point?
The slide below is from here...... Ideally on my farm I would want to set up one very large dam with piped linking to smaller dams throughout the farm..... so effectively one unit although it would look like many..... It would meander in and between the Food Forest and tenant cottages..... an enormous task.... but possible one section at a time.... only opened to each new extension as each new section is complete. All largely on contour .... or banks raised to a common contour.... so as not to lose the
water down the hill.
I found that video really interesting. A new perspective on predation that I found really encouraging.
The predators I have locally are Cormorants and Fish Eagle primarily.... and probably poachers. Cormorants I have sorted in the small set-up I now have with tilapia.... fully
sustainable from the farm ......I do add in loppings from mulberry and such... and manure to increase phytoplankton and zooplankton. I make sure there are many places for the fish to hide..... just a tight tangle of branches will discourage the most determined Cormorant enough to seek easier hunting grounds. Fish Eagles have not been a problem because they need a wide angle to swing in and grab and lift off. The dream plan would be perfect for them of course.... but this video was definitely encouraging in its perspective.
How far will I get? Not sure I really care.... enjoying the journey.