We moved into this house almost a year ago now. The house had stood empty for almost two years. The previous owners had had a pet pig (I can tell where the pig lived...there is actual grass there). The problem........we have almost no real grass. The "
lawn" is made up of cheatgrass, mallow, purslane and lambs quarters. I detest any kind of chemical use; hubby sees it as a one-time necessity to "clear the slate" and start fresh. I would prefer to dumb a gazillion bags of fall leaves on it, smother the weeds and plant in the spring, killing two birds with one stone (killing two birds with one stone, killing the weeds and improving the soil). He wants to "cross this off his list", so to say.....and is quite stressed out that we plant seed before winter.
*sigh* Here are the pix........so you can see what we're dealing with. Is there a protocol for removing cheatgrass (besides dousing
gasoline on our "lawn" and setting the whole thing ablaze)......??
Where I suspect the pig had his abode......
We are about to come to blows on this..........LOL.......some sage advice PLEASE...
Lisa/southcentral Washington state