I'm planning to build an electric slug
fence, using 9 volt betteries and galvanised wire. It's the design I've seen on the Internet. Alas I know little of electronics.
I want to build two, one for In the propagation glass house, around a central table (1.5m x 4m). And another outside around a strawberry mound (2.5m x 22m).
What range does this setup have? Will it still work on my large strawberry mound?
Will it short in the rain? If my wires are around 2cm apart, and with only 9v through galvanised wire, my intuition says that the rain would have too much resistance for it to short. I have no idea if I am right.
Is galvanised wire the best choice? Copper is good at conducting, but expensive and will surely tarnish when wet, and reduce its electrocution ability.
Using an non electrified copper hasn't worked well for me in the past.
Cheers for any info!