hi troy,
One PSI is equal to 27.7 inches of water column
200 ft x 12 in = 2400 in
2400in / 27.7 = 86 psi "head"
this is the amount of pressure the pump needs to lift the water straight up
there will also be head friction losses for piping
diameter of pipe, type of pipe, length of pipe, elbos and other fittings all add to the pump requirement
fortunately, the internet has come thru and provides a calculator to do the math
adding these two together will give you the "total dynamic head"
the pipe has a pressure rating on it
your pump must be able to deliver the required volume 1.5 gpm @ ___ tdh (see pump curve)
using a larger pipe ie, 1 1/2" instead of 1" can make a big difference (play with the calculator)
good luck