Hey, Elissa. Would you consider a suggestion? It seems to me that if a person has just written an awesome blog post and wants to bring that insight to the permies.com forums, we all benefit. However, my suggestion would be that you include
enough of a summary of the post or the insight so that folks can make an informed decision about whether they want to click off the site. "I wrote a post about mixing wild edibles in with other foods so that the strong flavors are not overwhelming -- link" is the kind of thing I am talking about. The teaser style where you start writing a sentence but then trail off with the dot-dot-dot before getting to the point feels to me like the point of the permies post was less to share a viewpoint with us and more to get some traffic to the blog post. So that's why I'm suggesting a bit more summary for permies readers, because I'm sure that link-bait-ish feeling I got can't have been your intent!