I just wanted to pick people's brains, get some ideas:
My wife and I are buying our first house, a small-ish two bedroom place in urban Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (zone 6-ish). Previously we've rented urban apartments and wwoofed, so we're pretty excited about 'owning' a chunk of
land and making it our own, even if it's not yet the multi-acre homestead we want asap.
We found an accidentally special house: the front of the house faces south, and has a glassed-in/covered porch/sunroom (small-ish space, maybe 5'x20' which only gets shaded in the late afternoon. Of
course my immediate thoughts are "Hey, it's already a functional passive
solar greenhouse." I've been thinking about ways to make it more functional on the cheap (when we would move in in 3 months), this is the list so far:
-either on the inside or outside of the windows, install 6mm
greenhouse plastic (using track and wiggle wire), because the current windows are only single pane
-plant something deciduous to provide summer shade. Maybe shrubs/trees like sumac, lilacs, serviceberry, hawthorns, semi-dwarf fruit
trees; maybe even have some king of
trellis standing in front of (or attached to the sides and top of) the porch for some vines be it grapes, goji berries, curcubits (squash, melons), hops, morning glory, etc.
- inside, have a few shelves / tables for seedling production and a few medium to large pots for year round herbs, greens, exotic novelties
- up against the wall between the "porch" and the interior of the house, some kind of
water storage system be it barrels, buckets, rubber maid bins, bottles etc for thermal mass (probably using the water containes as the base for seedling shelves/tables. Probably bags of potting mix ingredients and my worm
compost bin to add to the clutter and thermal mass.
Of course one of my limitations is that the porch is an indoor "finished" space. I would need to keep moisture down (careful watering) to avoid any mold or water damage.
Also I am not sure that the ceiling or walls are well insulated (will find out during home inspection this week).
Any ideas, tips?