Some thoughts on what keeps you healthy.
I have wondered if fresh air has anything to do with not getting colds, does air need to move like
water does?
Are you happier
i never got very ill in adult life but in adult life no one mollycuddles me if i do, I feel as if i cant get ill, does this change peoples illness rates .
My parents had a house full of carpets and England is damp the carpets were full of everything i suspect, dust, house mites pollen molds. Were the houses full of molds what gave me hayfever and asthma is what i wonder, i don't have carpets i don't like getting asthma .
It woild
be nice to know i was eating food that did not have poisons in it or that i was giving the best food to others but it seems to me that at anyrate in the colds flu department adult life has stopped me getting illnesses and that cant be attributed to organic foodstuffs. in the fats excelent stools rate this is not so true to omuch olive oil i don't know. I too have wondered if over eatign is due to trying to get soem nutrient you lack though tryign to get all the nutrients is a reason for over eating to and findign out i get tired if i dont eat a good lunch keep me eating and having more faith in the food that mhas calories than fruit is another problem.
should stop telling children to eat up or put lots of enphasis in the vitality importance of the vitamins in fruit for energy or tell them that digestion requires a lot of energy their is an old cuban singer or dancer i saw in a documentary a few years ago who says he only eats a meal everytwo days in order to keep himself alive longer he relieves his body of the fatigue of digesting .. Your liver and kidney have a lot of work if you eat a lot and lack of movement does not help your oxygen blood transport system and these systems try to keep your body helathy. Alcohol l tires you, the next day it makes it more likely that your back muscels ache, and for you to get short of breath going up a hill i think because it worsen blood flow and cardio repiratory function. and weight messes up knees and feet .
In yoga classes i learnt that people get ill in the places that they uncounsciously use to react to stress, so stress wil give one person a stomach ulcer and another a sore throat.
The teacher said you can put a camera into the stomach of a person who reacts to stress, being teased, pulled to peices, fear of losing their job, freinds and such are what i mean by stress, and see the lining of their stomach go red when you stress them if they are the sort of person that reacts to stress with stomach problems.
Variouse things made me think that this teacher was very interested in psychology as well as yoga, though he did not give his sources for different bits of information, though evidently putting cameras in people stomachs is a trick only doctors are illkely to get up to whether to corroborate a bit of psychological theory or for what reason i don't know. Guessng the sources was just that guessing, this left his students looking a bit silly if an idea came from Socrates and they imagined it came from indian yogi and blabberd about it to someone who knew about philosophy. I think. this is a bit of information that i suspect comes from european medicine though it corroborates maybe yogic ideas. agri
rose macaskie.