We need to start a
Potluck. What, did you think I meant the TransPacific Partnership? Not only no to that, but hell no, this TPP will be for the benefit of those in Georgia and the Carolinas that wonder where all the
permaculture resources are. You're looking at them, folks, the few people that frequent this part of this message board.
If we take some time to plan this, now while it is too hot to get much outside work done, then in September when it cools off, we can have a round-robin of
permaculture planting parties. So come on, folks, use this
thread to sign up. Where are you, what is your piece of
land like, what do you want to do with it, let's hear some details. Here, I'll go first:
I have 2/3 of an acre on the south side of Augusta, GA and I've been here for 5 years. When I first got here, it was thin, worn-out dirt on top of compacted clay. All it had left was gobs of
Fusarium spores that would kill anything I tried to plant. I've conquered the soil pathogens and now I'm making the soil biology work for me. I've been planting fruit
trees, building hugelkultures, tending to some
chickens, and mulching, mulching, mulching. I have a seasonal
greenhouse that goes up in November and comes down in March. If it's edible, I'll try planting it to see how it does in this climate. The only thing I haven't tried is rhubarb; everything I have read says it won't stand a chance here. After 5 years, I feel that the major elements of the
permaculture design are in and now I just have to fine-tune them. The blackberries, asparagus, blueberries, strawberries, and onions are well established and don't require much attention. The persimmons, apples, pears, and figs are doing well, but I do have to figure out something to do with my disappointing plums and apricots. Maybe graft something new onto the rootstocks that are doing well. I'm not in need of the neighbors pitching in to do a barn-raising, but if your travels take you through the Augusta area, you're welcome to stop and take a look at all my little
permie projects.
As an added inducement to build the
permaculture community here in the Southeast, I'll throw in some Egyptian Walking Onions for everyone that signs up. I have dozens of topsets, and the first thing we can do is make your property self-sufficient in onions. Let's get our permaculture projects in high gear this fall, and we can be harvesting the benefits all next winter.