So DW and I finally decided to put our struggling dogwood out of its'/our misery. It was in a bad spot directly under the power/phone/cable TV lines and less than half the branches leafed out this spring. We also discovered a few days ago that it was not planted by her father as we had thought, but actually planted just after his death. With the sentimental value eliminated, it was an easier decision to make.
Anyway, after trimming all the branches off and cutting the main trunk off, I set to the task of getting the stump out of the ground. This is what I ended up with:
It looks like my mother-in-law got the worst landscaper ever to plant this poor little tree. There were only 6-8 large
roots extending out from the tree and maybe a couple dozen in the 1/2"-1" range. None of those went down into the ground more than 8"-10" and the entire tangled mass was sitting on a layer of hard packed rocky sand. You can see how badly the
root ball is turned back onto itself. I can only imagine that whoever planted this tree simply dug a hole large
enough to fit the root ball into, plopped it in the ground, covered it up and walked away. Oh, no, wait. They did take the time to drive 2 angle iron supports into the ground. I found the remnants of those with my shovel.
Object lesson for the day: Don't let an ignoramus plant your