Hello everyone,
I've never owned a home before, and am thinking about buying one...more for the
land then the home. I would like to start a mini
permaculture farm, like on a
city or suburban lot, or possibly a bigger piece of land. I've had a garden on and off for years. When I haven't had land to plant, I've had pots with plants. I would like to try to grow all my own food though, or a lot of it anyway, and perhaps have animals as well.
My husband and I live and work in Spokane, WA, and might like to be as close to downtown as possible (where we work and play). Although I'm open to other possibilities.
We've been in Spokane for 3 years and we could be here 2 more years or 10 more years.
I'd like to buy as cheaply as possible.
I've been looking on zillow a little at different houses. Ideally I'd like a small house and an okay size lot, 1/4 acre would be wonderful, although 1/8th acre would be great too.
Any suggestions on my quest? Know of any
permaculture places for sale in Spokane?