Idle dreamer
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:Good Dog, those are ugly houses!
There is a development going in about 1.5 miles from my place along a bike trail I take to work. They removed all the vegetation and literally removed every small hill and variation in the land. They then used some of the soil to even further level it all. The whole area was then compacted by heavy equipment until today it is this huge bare expanse that is completely level. All this so they can plop their cookie cutter homes down on top...
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Idle dreamer
Cultivate abundance for people, plants and wildlife - Growing with Nature
Idle dreamer
indeed. I don't know what to add, except that... that really sucks. And I feel for you. I would definitely petition or go door to door with your existing actual rural neighbors and go with your concerns to your County. Unfortunately the county is looking to increase it's tax base and is unlikely to go against a new developer who is increasing the 'rural' population. This is not rural development, it is sub-urban. Get that into their heads.AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."-Margaret Mead "The only thing worse than being blind, is having sight but no vision."-Helen Keller
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Tyler Ludens wrote:IANAL, but the county should have to obtain an easement to turn a private road into a public one. There may already be an easement to the county on the road - this information should be at your county clerk's office. If not, you and your neighbors on the road might want to lawyer up, because it is likely the county is planning to steal land from you all.
Our land extends to the middle of our county road, and there is an easement granted by previous owners, which conveys with the land.
A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress as delineated on the said survey.
Subject To: This conveyance is subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions and easments, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey.
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elle sagenev wrote:Reminding me of the movie, "Over the Hedge" right now. It's tooooo true to life, that movie.
People will mow way more than 1 acre. I live on a section with 40 acre plots and people will mow nearly all of it. Blows the mind!
Still able to dream.
Some places need to be wild
Some places need to be wild
Living a life that requires no vacation.
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
Idle dreamer
The housing association authorities can enter their homes at any time to inspect and see if they are meeting the rules.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Tyler Ludens wrote:WHY??? do people want to live in such hellholes???
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Living a life that requires no vacation.
Nicole Alderman wrote:So, the development is building now, and I took a look at its covenants. They're dreadful! Houses cannot have a smaller footprint than 1,800 sqft on the bottom floor. That's twice as big as my whole house! And, that's just the bottom floor. These houses are 2-story mansions. Why??? (I've been wanting to use those emoticons for a long time. Finally got a chance)
They can't have any livestock or even breed their pets.
The housing association authorities can enter their homes at any time to inspect and see if they are meeting the rules. Really?!?
They have to submit applications to put in a hot tub or a shed or a playground.
If they don't meet HOA requirements, the HOA can have landscapers/painters/construction workers/whatever come and "fix" things and make the homeowner pay for it.
No firearms (these are 1 acre plots in the middle of a LEGAL HUNTING area, and they're not allowed to shoot), no motorbikes, no parking their car on the road, etc. No loud hobbies. In other words, no living.
It makes me so sad to see such environmental destruction of trees and watershed (it's a good 10+ degrees hotter and drier there than at my place 1/2 mile a way, and the water doesn't soak into the ground and there's lots of erosion and silt entering the fish-bearing streams), and use of resources to build such giant homes that are more like giant prisons than freedom. So very sad.
Here's another one of their developments. $745,000 for a 1 acre lot of dying grass and a 3,000+sqft house. A whole forest that was cut down to put in 1 acre of lawn they can't do anything with. So sad on so many levels.
'Every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.'
I bet there’s no covenant on gardening and mowing lawns naked whilst smoking smelly cigars!
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