My friend and I created two videos about raising (Heirloom) khaki campbells for eggs in a wet, north pacific coast
permaculture environment some time ago. They are really getting popular on YouTube with the first segment capturing over 41,000 views.
I'd like to share and ask for your feedback as we are a north Oregon coastal community attempting
sustainability and frankly, up against a lot of weather and enviro challenges. I want to say that I thought I knew all about organic
gardening and animal husbandry until I came to the north Oregon coast... Then I realized I knew no-thing... Yup!
First video:
Second video:
Also my son did a great video on making
compost tea:
Hope my Permies friends enjoy these vids and want to share. NO, we have not monetized them and not have even used them for marketing .... but we need to. Just to forward our efforts in sustainability and
I welcome all your feedback...please. I was rusty in my filming and interviewing skills...had been many years. We will do some more vids in our area...we have a LOT going on with sustainability, off-grid,
permaculture and other modalities. It's a cool place to live!
"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?" --The Matrix