-Day 30!!!-
Time has flown by here at the Lab.
Feb/March have been great learning
There have been ups and downs, but such is life.
As an introvert I have had to adapt to communal living,
but when you are in good company it is rather easy.
My skills in carpentry and appliance repair have improved greatly,
and I can see myself building structures and fixing many things in the near future.
I have fully acclimatized to the weather here, and then some.
A truly cold day is in the minus, a regular day is in the teens.
A hot day is 20+.
I&I body is much stronger, and eating nothing but high quality organic food has increased
overall health. The well
water here is also very good.
Winter in Montana is amazing, nothing like what I was used to in California.
Winter restricts many projects on the Lab, but the anticipation, new ideas, and motivation
to start building a
permaculture homestead are constantly expanding.
The projects we are completing add to the overall functionality of the Lab, so thats a big plus.
It's a blessing to have a Tribe. I give thanks to all my Brothers, Chris, Jeremy, Robbie
and Paul. I especially give thanks for Jocelyn, she makes the Tribe whole, she is the anchor
and completes the synergy of the Tribe. I innerstand why many of my indigenous Ancestors were matriarchal.
She makes sure everyone is well-fed, healthy, and content.
There is so much to learn and so much to do. All in good time.
Looking forward to the next coming months.
I eagerly await Spring and the thaw, but
respect and honor the lessons Winter teaches.
• 'ShelfMania' continues...finished another two rolling shelves