City Michigan and the surrounding area is a great place to farm. I don't know about blank
land prices, but I'm sure they are cheap. I just bought 3.65 acres with a 3300 sq. ft. house that's not quite finished out of foreclosure for $150K. I grew up there and I'm leaving Lake Tahoe for the "farm-ability" of Michigan. Everything (almost) grows there (cherry capital of the world). Summers can be humid and hot (85 degrees and 85% humidity isn't pleasant), but the majority of the seasons are nice and the fall colors are spectacular. Never saw a poisonous snake, no earthquakes, no volcanoes, very rarely tornadoes, but there are winter and summer storms. There are lakes everywhere and some of them (Lake Michigan for example) are quite huge. It also has good rainfall in the summer compared to a lot of places I looked at.
Just putting in my 2 cents........