It seems like several weeks go by with no problem, then something new will die, or just disappear. I'm now at the transition time when I would normally start making room for the fall veggies. I can't do that this year with my two new beds.
I built three new raised beds out of corrugated steel, reclaimed redwood
fence boards, and hard wire cloth on the bottom. Two are in the garden. They are 2/3 full. (Hugel beet style). Now I am removing the cement blocks and putting the soil into the new beds. Once I remove
enough soil to get me even with the ground ( it goes 2'
underground) I will put hard wire cloth down, put the cement blocks back so the wire is under the blocks. Then I will repeat the process but putting the soil into the empty one. It's going to be a lot of work, and I'm bummed because there are things that are still producing that normally I would leave. I'm going to try to put some of them into large pots. Some to stay, and a few to be replanted. I don't want to do it, but if I don't get it done soon, I won't get fall peas. Most important is I don't want to have that dread of wondering what destruction the gopher will cause next. I can't protect everything, but I can keep my veggies relatively safe. If the roots grow deeper than 15" the gopher will be able to get them. I don't think most veggies grow that deep, and if they do hopefully will still have enough
root to survive. Anyway that's the plan. From now on I will always put hard wire cloth down when I build new beds.