Jessica in Alpharetta here.
I've been learning from a neighbor about
gardening as well as reading local garden
books I find at estate sales. I dig
Permaculture because I feel like a success because SOMETHING is green!
I've successfully rooted beauty berry bushes and redbuds for
native beauty and I'm working with migrating what was in the side yard to my patio because
DEER. Last year the deer ate everything edible to people except the chives.
This year I'm doing primarily edible perennials and two containers of annuals: tomatoes and zucchini mixed with nasturtium, chives, basil. I'm really enjoying starting perennials from seed indoors where I have a sense of some control as chipmunks frequent my patio.
I'm hopeful to establish two figs, some Muscadine grapes, and more strawberries this year. I'm trying sorrel for
perennial greens and several medicinals.
Hope y'all are well.