They say people don't always know what they feel or maybe don’t recognize what other people feel and so can't relate to others and one theory is that in
art you can maybe recognize your feelings. And so handle yourself better.
I think
art is some ways can be like sex, not because it turns me on but because it is time given to feeling the shape of a thing, or enjoying the shape of a through your eyes its form and psychological characteristics, and giving time to thinking about them.
I am not sure about telling people what you think they don’t know about themselves. I have had friends who tried it out on me, people are endlessly bossy and love messing around with other people’s heads. It was very humiliating
experience, you can deduce from what they try to teach you about yourself what they think of you and my friends and family think I am a complete twit, it is hard to know as much before they take it into their heads to play psychological
games with you, normal polite conversation covers up their feeling of superiority, though maybe I
should have known because of the type of conversation they offered me, twits conversation. I just felt unsatisfied.
I read the autobiography of the Moroccan writer Fatima Mernissi who tries to promote better treatment of women within Islam talking about the use of art to promote mental health in the story “A Hundred and One Nights” and she and her cousins were very proud of the heroine of the Arabian nights story. Or Fatima Mernissi, or one of her girl cousins comments that the heroin of the book the Arabian nights, Scheherazade told stories that would turn the king into a more moderately and fairly behaved man. They comment that one of the stories is of a girl a story whose husband disappears during a journey they are making among a caravan of merchants and she decides the people on the caravan will do something awful to her if they find out that she is an unaccompanied woman so she dresses up as a man and finds she is capable of doing everything a man does herself. She even becomes the adviser of a king who marries her off to his daughter, an embarrassing moment, she in the end decides to throw herself on the girls mercy trusting that women will help each other and explains the situation to the princess who does protect her. The comment of the modern day Moroccan girls, well girls before I was born but only by a bit, of Fatima Mernissi’s book, is that this story comes near the end of the original version of the thousand and one nights, it is not a story the king could have taken at first, mans
ego would be so destroyed if he thought women could manage what men do, it is only after the strengthening experience of hearing most of the other tales that such a story can be told him.
People need to get perspective about human complexity and conduct as they have to live with others and if their parents can't give it to them maybe the stories of others can. Art can. This is in a way the opposite of psychoanalysis, it is about giving the person a fuller picture of human experience so as to improve his judgment rather than asking him to come up with answers from his own head.
The kings first wife had been unfaithful to him and so having dealt with her by making use of the death sentence he starts marrying again, but beheads his wives on the morning after the wedding night so his new wives would have no time to be unfaithful to him. His Gran Vizier is in charge of finding new wives and one day his daughter asks to be the new wife she has a plan to tell a story each night but not to tell the whole story so that if the king wants to hear the end of the story he must he must postpone cutting her head off. She succeeds in stopping him from killing her by the ruse of keeping him always in suspense about the end of the story and by turning him into a well balanced person. I think Christians don’t have such a brave and imaginative and talented heroine.
Government health warning
I think that the idea that she can save him spiritually and save the lives of other girls with her stories is interesting but it should be accompanied by the warning that it is probably like those films, “Home Alone” not possible in real life except under unusual circumstances. As a child you think that if you had the guts and imagination you could do what the child of the film does but in reality you need a lot of money and time to set up something like that, more time than the child had.
A king is a powerful person he is not likely to listen long to his wife’s stories and is likely to smell a rat and get cross about being manipulated, maybe he was scared of the Visor and had fallen in love so he had reasons apart from her stories to listen to her. Powerful husbands refuse to listen to women whether the story interests them or not, it would make the woman feel too important if they spent too much time with them so it would not work, they would not listen to you unless they decided that they had stopped being interested in wearing the pants in the family which activity makes a lot of standing aloof from their wives necessary.
The story is great but in real life don’t marry mad men and hope that you can cure them men usually get themselves into a stronger position than their wives and people don’t let people in a weaker position than them play with their heads, they dominate them and play with the weaker persons heads. In Spain lots of women get killed a year by their husbands, you should not take this story as gospel, only practice the sort of psychological ideas Schreherazade practices if you are a psychologist with team support. Which is to say in a respected and strong position.
The Simpsons should be accompanied by a government health warning that says, “don’t marry a lounge potato hoping he will have Homer Simpsons get up and go,” it is unlikely with a real lounge potato so unless you like sitting watching the television yourself give them a wide berth. And, “don’t marry a man who spends his time at Moe’s and similar, holding up the bar, thinking he will spend all his time at home like Homer Simpson does, he probably won’t be seen at home much, he will spend his time at the pub.
“House” should be accompanied by the warning that “normally terrible bullies don’t teach people a lot so bringing on other peoples careers or have the team spirit House has when he is discussing cases”. Bullies don’t give an example of very satisfactory group work. Brain storming and such, with everyone’s opinion listened to and evaluated. a good teacher though needs to bully a bit but houses bullying goes way beyond that bit. agri
rose macaskie.