Truthfully, in the long term, the raccoons are actually SAVING your garden as those "grubs" you have identified as their target will continue to multiply anf destroy the
roots of everything.
Nematodes are the most often used solution, and is
permie friendly, BUT must be pre-ordered in most places and can only be applied at certain times of the year.
I "heard" of a granular product this year at the garden center, but have no info on how successful it is, nor it's name OR what it is.
Locally, I instruct those with this issue to dig a soil sample WITH the grubs, and have their
local nursery identify the grubs nd have them advise on the appropriate solution.
The only other option is to run a hot line (electric fencing) or create an unclimbable
fence out of something like metal roofing panels. As you have learned, chainlink and
chicken wire is nothing but a ladder for raccoons.
Keep your eyes peeled for alternative access routes such as
trees, sheds, vehicles and the like that could allow the to circumvent your efforts.