Some places need to be wild
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Some places need to be wild
"The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, these are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" Gandolf
Eric Hanson wrote:Todd,
So from what you are saying, it sounds like it really comes down to N after all. This is the reason I am trying my comfrey cover crop idea in the first place. I am hoping to charge up the soil with nitrogen for eventual release. Perhaps the comfrey will crowd out the clover, but by that point, the clover will have done its job and by dying it should give up a last batch of N for the comfrey to feed upon. You say use urine. I am totally OK with this and I have already give my comfrey plants a good helping of diluted urine and plan to continue. This plus the clover in addition to any soil-borne nitrogen already in place will hopefully provide plenty of nitrogen for comfrey plants.
Some places need to be wild
David Gould wrote:
Jared France wrote:
Chickens help keep comfrey down & it's supposed to beneficial to them & their eggs .
My nitrogen "fixing" strategy is to run comfrey and other available greens through my birds. Nitrogen fixing plants are not the only source of N for your garden. Chicken poop is tremendously hot and high in N.
I pull my chicken tractor directly over the top of the various comfrey plants throughout my garden. I only keep 8 birds, but they'll take down a huge comfrey plant in just a few hours. What they don't eat they shred and throw the leaves all over.
"The rule of no realm is mine. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, these are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything that passes through this night can still grow fairer or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" Gandolf
Some places need to be wild
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