Glenn Herbert wrote:A 10" RMH is really big. An 8" system is usually enough to heat an ordinary house, and if you build partly earth sheltered or otherwise superinsulated, it is unlikely that a bigger one would be beneficial.
So, here is the idea . .
8 inch system. - start of the system (fire pit) on one side of the house - inside the house. Chimney run is a straight run all the way across the house, under the slab - with no bends (for easy cleaning) - exits outside the house beside the slab - fully poured concrete pier up against the wall encases the vertical chimney - insulated right up level with the roof - from there you have a standard chimney going up as high as needed. - only 1 90 degree bend in the chimney with this idea. with no roof or wall penetrations too leak and cause problems.
Now, before you start screaming
, the problem with this idea, is where too locate the clean-outs. I was thinking about running the chimney up along the far wall - indoors, but then I would have too exit through the roof -(not going to do with an underground roof) or put another bend in it too go through the wall - then another 90 to go up - more than code allows . . problem there.
So if I run the chimney outside the house, I can put a 45 degree elbow right near the stove as a clean out, then have another one at the base of the wall for another cleanout . . see the picture... run the brush from the stove too the wall then vaccum - run the brush down from the top - then vaccum - all done.
I am just tossing out idea's for this one . . . trying to make it fit. . . any suggestions would be welcome.