For a book I'm writing on urban
permaculture, to be published next spring by Chelsea Green, I need one or two photos of a top bar hive. I need a publication quality shot (that is, no shadows or funky contrast on the hive, junk lying around it, etc) that shows the hive itself, and, ideally, a second shot that shows a comb. If you've got one photo that does all that, so much the better. I will need high resolution for the final shot (3 Mb or better is best) but a low-res sample is fine for now. The deadline looms, so I need this ASAP.
I don't have funding from the publisher for this, but will gladly give full credit to the photographer and mention their business, if there is one. It didn't hurt people to have their names mentioned in
Gaia's Garden, so I am hoping this book can help the people mentioned in it, too.
Please send samples to urbanpc(at)
Toby Hemenway