Hello Matt:
Thanks for your comments. I believe we must have fidelity to the
permaculture curriculum but it is ours to organise the way we find best. I have seen people change the emphasis to their various personal concerns and this surely isn't valid. It is brilliant applied science and it works. Some teachers tend to focus on say, rural
land, others, urban or food gardens. However every student deserves the best balance of information and skills we can give them. Mine criteria always line up with a good competent graduate outcomes.
By the way, there was a teacher in Western Australia who used my book to develop a curriculum for a school for ages 12-15/16 and was very pleased with the result. Your
experience would be useful for others teaching in schools. In developing countries we can teach the whole science program through
permaculture and the outdoors where there are not
enough classrooms and certainly no science labs. Teachers get very excited as you can imagine.
Thanks for your comments, Matt.