Kat Geen : I will only try to help with a few more pieces of the puzzle. I like the Idea of re-useing the frame from a carport! But, thinking on it,
it only had to be designed to withstand wind loading !
When ever possible you should catch and store (and filter) as much of your water as close to the roof line as possible, this lets gravity work for you
with a very low structure the distance from your tank to your sink is not going to be much and you will be working with a very slow flow, small
volume, this will actually help your sanitizing your water, think of a clear plastic tank painted black only on the side facing inside the house catching
sun most of the day filled once or twice a day, you read a thermometer then at 150*F you start a simple timer, as soon as your timer 'Dings'
then you can have instant
hot water exactly like you had a tankless water heater mounted right there at your wash station/prep sink !
Outside of that portion of your water that you have immediate control over like in your instant drain down system, I would try to keep my water as
cool as possible we don't want to create a perfect medium for growing nasty bacteria!
Non potable water ,like for watering your garden or washing clothes, can be stored in separate containers than the stream of water you hope to keep
Solar chimney / black chimney are two different names for the same thing. I was going to warn you than as you go further north this system has
problems but not at your location !
I believe you have a requirement in your location for above grade slabs, once you get past the dilemma of trying to be green and use
concrete it
comes down to the parts you feel comfortable with !
I am not going to attempt to speak on what is or is not code in your area except that much of what a code enforcement officer looks for is the use
of Correct terminology on the application ! Good Luck Big AL !