Hello! I am new here, and this is my first post. My significant other and I build Rammed Earth houses and other structures. We are located in Northern Alberta (Grande Prairie to be specific). We build with stabilized rammed earth, so basically
concrete. Cool thing is that we wont be building with the same amount of cement soon. We are in partnership with with UBCO (University of BC Okanagan) to test pulp mill fly
ash as a partial stabilizer for our product.
I'll get to the point here, Dennis built his rammed earth home 12 years ago with an atrium attached on the south west side. Well... the atrium isn't finished (yet), he built the deck and was intending to build the rest of it but you know.... life gets in the way especially with 4 children. The home is 4000 square feet and passive
solar designed. He said it isn't at its full potential of passive
solar design efficiency (his ex was against the whole efficiency thing and wanted the house a certain layout). I tracked the amount of btu's we use a year, and its under the average amount for Alberta. Which is cool- knowing we have a heated garage that isn't sealed well, and i'm assuming 4000 sqft is not the average
footprint size of houses in Alberta. We are hoping to finish the atrium this year! We have some windows salvaged from a commercial rammed earth job we did at UBCO that we will be using on the atrium (SCORE!!).
So, I'm sure all of the permies here all know about the earthship buildings. Which are super cool! But unfortunately don't work well in in the northern hemisphere (from what I have read, I haven't experienced anything first hand). Well, those buildings are made with a type of Rammed Earth, our process is a little different. We form it the same way as concrete, then mix the aggregate, colour, cement and
water in a mixer connected to our skid steer. We dump each mixed load (evenly) into the forms then tamp down every layer (lift by lift). A very time consuming and laborious job, that's for sure!!!
I have read about
Sepp Holzer about 10 years ago and was inspired by his book for
permaculture and
sustainability. Since living with Dennis (on his 4 acre lot), we have inspired each others passions in sustainability, we will be building a natural pool. Have built a hugekultur garden, and we have
bees and
chickens! I love this way of life and have always aspired for this way of living. We aren't 100% sustainable but we will be there one day

Thanks for reading my post, hope you enjoyed reading it! Let me know if you have any questions at all, I am more than happy to share our experiences, knowledge and day in the life. If you live in a passive solar home I want to see your pics! If you're interested in following our business on social media, we are Innovative Earth on
facebook. We do have linkedIn and Alignable.
https://www.facebook.com/innovativeearth.ca/ is our facebook URL - I post many updates on here and pictures - please have a looksy
Hope all is well in everyone's life and everyone is keeping safe and living as sustainable as they can! <3 <3
PS I have attached a few photos of our front garden, house, atrium (which is way bigger than it looks in these pics btw-about 700 sq ft) to give you a glimpse of our home and product!