2. I am unaware of an easier roof solution than a single plane shed style. I have an approximately 50'X50' space to build in and the bus must sit in a particular place due to sewer and power hookups as well as farmyard requirements and accessability. In this 50x50 square the bus sits almost at one end. With a shed style roof I can put the peak of the slant closer towards the middle of the space which will enable the roof to run out further than a typical two plane roof while maintaining some head room at the far end. Also the single plane roof appears to my roofing inexperienced eye to be easier to build than some of the other post and beam carports I have seen.
The bus I am moving into has a few convenience problems. It has a
shower that is shorter than me, no place to hang a single coat, and no place to put a single pair of shoes that doesn't interfere with the steps leading in. I may be able to get used to bending double to take a
shower but I will need to make something outside of the bus to leave coats, shoes, hats, umbrella, whatever. I will also need to build a shed for tools that I use, some place to put my bicycle, etc. So, instead of making a series of ugly little sheds I am thinking to put everything under one roof to keep my things dry. Then I got thinking that enclosing the entire thing would have added benefits such as allowing a
RMH to heat the space thereby making the heating load on the buses systems easier, it would also allow me to use the outside space as living space regardless of the rainfall.
I don't intend to raise crops for the neighbourhood but I would certainly want some plant life inside, maybe a small fish pond/
aquaculture setup.
The proposed design has a northward sloping roof and to the south is a much taller barn so I won't be getting a lot of direct afternoon sun but a fair bit of sun will shine across in the AM. The lower 7' of the walls would be solid (for privacy) and insulated with everything above that point being some sort of clear panel. At least that is what I have rattling around in my head.