well i was kinda pleased yesterday that even though some of my blueberries had frozen a few weeks ago..i have fresh blooms on one plant that won't be freezing any time soon..doubt if i'll really get any berries off of them..there just aren't that many blooms that made it through the freeze..but still..it was a blessing to see them.
I haven't bought the honeyberries yet..almost ordered some last week and then found out i was early diabetes and i'm like freaking out as my entire
yard is fruit !!!
I haven't seen the nutritionist about the diabetes yet but i'm sure i'll still be able to eat small amounts of fresh fruit..but i'm sure glad i didn't plant a bunch of bread gardens (grains and oats and whatnot) like i had planned too..as it would have just been a wasted effort since right now i'm not eating any bread..)
Michigan has a lot of irregular weather..we get really hot during the day and freeze at night in the spring and fall..yesterday was 87 plus the night before was 39..a couple days before we had a hard freeze