I founded a
video game company (a Benefit Corp called
http://www.growgamesinteractive.com]Grow Games Interactive) so that we could make
games about that integrate
permaculture challenges and get people doing real-life seed saving. We've launched a crowdfunding campaign here at www.igg.me/at/seeds where we're giving rewards as seeds, weather sensors, farm to table meals, and download codes to be alpha or beta testers. We're creating the games through game jams and hackathons at ecovillages and impact centers across the US.
We'd love to integrate with the
permaculture community, as we think that our plan is one of the most profound and lasting ways to care for the earth, the people, and return surpluses around the planet. We're doing what we can to make this as diverse and fun an effort as possible, check out our crowdfunding page and we'd love whatever support or feedback we can get. Thanks!