Billy Larson : Welcome to /,and a Big Welcome to The Rocket and
Wood Stove and Cob Forum Threads. With 28,000 + Fellow Members
World Wide, you can come here 24 /7 and talk to someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
The % of stilt you are reporting sounds high for good Cob. But I will just mention a
couple of three
books that you might find useful, There is The Brand
New 3rd Edition of
Rocket Mass Heaters, Which is available as a downloaded PDF From , the two best books for learning to work with cob
are The Hand-Sculpted House Ianto Evans Et Al, and The Cobblers Companion, Micheal G. Smith founding director go Cob Cottage Co. The last two are long in print and you
may be able to get them through your library or From Amazon Books, or from Alibris Books, and good used books or from cob Cottage who after all started the whole
thing here in America!
Regardless Please let us know how your winter
project goes !
For the Good of the Craft ! Big AL