Hi Emilie,
should be a good supportive diet, but you may just have a deficiency that was generated while building that last baby. Do you chart your cycles? Any idea if you are imbalanced at all? Any brown in your cycle? If you can get a handle on what your hormones are doing you can more accurately address the problem. You can never go wrong ensuring you're getting a good calcium/magnesium supplement through food (spirulina, bone broth or bee pollen) and using uterine tonic teas (raspberry leaf,
rose hips, etc.). There are a wide variety of herbs that can support a return to balance if you are indeed out of whack, but it is important to know exactly what hormone you need help with first. The other thought is that after a birth your uterus can be out of place. You might check with an abdominal massage and uterine care professional such as an Arvigo practitioner (www.arvigotherapy.com) or someone trained in the Mercier method. Most women have an issue here and it can lead to difficulties with conception. If you would ever like a consult to figure out what's going on, I do long distance consults and I go over a lot of my recommendations in my book. Good luck!!