Castable refractory cement would generally be about 1 1/2" thick, plus bulk insulating material around it (
cob, clay/perlite, etc.). If you are mixing your own, it probably ought to be a good 2" thick, and the heat riser which will have no backup material needs to be 2" or more.
What dimensions are your metal parts? It is recommended that a first-time build be no less than 6" diameter, as smaller sizes are trickier to get right. Also, a system smaller than 6" may not have
enough capacity to heat a space, depending obviously on the space's size, character and climate.
Your heavy steel "form" may be strong enough that its deformation under heat might damage the refractory around it. In any case, making a light
wood or plywood inner form the right size is a minor job if you have any woodworking tools.