Matt Sorrels : Looks O.K., I do not count the last 90º turn from horizontal to vertical -which
should be a 'T' with a clean out ! The sketch on the left a simple "U''
I counted as 30 feet of horizontal and the one on the right i am call ing a Double ''L'' is 50 feet.
On the double L where you make your 180º turn a short length of pipe evens short as 8'' will make that flow a little easier, consider too that there is a good
location for a clean out! That short length of pipe will make adding
cob, and urbanite and cob, easier and the more dense rock and stone you put in the Thermal
Mass the Less Cob you will have to make.
When you bring your pipe back nearby the barrel it will pick up additional heat and help provide a steady draft !
You are saying that from near the floor of your living space to the top of your final vertical chimney will be 15', as long as it Tops the peak of the structures
roof by 4' - 5' so you should be good !
For the good of the craft ! Big Al