I heard a really informative and encouraging episode of the Permacuture Voices Podcast with Adam Klaus recently. I believe it was on this episode where he said that he would advise keeping the cows out of the orchard. (let me know if I'm thinking of something else) So along these lines, I had a couple of questions for Adam and others:
Mark Shepard and others have tree systems with
cattle running through. Does anyone know if he, or others running these systems, are fencing out their cattle and other animals by running their hot wires a few feet outside of the young woody ag plantings (which are in long, basically on contour rows, typically)? If so, how far from a brand new planting does the hot wire need to be?
Should one be concerned with the fertility from the cows all dropping a few
feed away from the young seedlings, and not in more close?
If this is how one would graze in a new Restoration Ag type system, how wide would an alley need to be, in order for a herd to feel comfortable grazing in there?
Is there an age or size where you might say an
apple tree is able to withstand a herd having access to it for a one day grazing rotation?
Is there a time of year where the
apple tree is less palatable to the cows?
Before doing something, I always want to be willing to hear the best reasons not to do it. So Adam: given that you recommended, based on your
experience, keeping the Apples and cows separated, would you give any caveats, or would you say under which circumstances you think it might work? Would you have any trouble seeing this working if planted with wide
enough alleys, and managed this way? Would you have any suggestions for someone setting up this system so that they could have success, and not just trampled seedlings? Any more warnings, advice?