I planted a couple of
apple trees last spring, a honeycrisp and a cripps pink. All seemed to be going well until winter. The other
apple tree around here all lost their leaves and went dormant in mid fall, however mine didn't... The honeycrisp lost most of its leaves, but it still has 3 or 4 hangers on. They still look somewhat vital and don't look like they will be falling off any time soon, so I'm not sure whether to call it dormant or not. The Cripp's Pink still looks like it did in the middle of summer: lots of green leaves on every branch. I'm in zone 7a, it has snowed several times, both trees were standing in at least 6 inches of snow for several weeks, and overnight temperatures have dropped into the single digits (Farenheit) a few times. It doesn't get much colder here than that, though last winter it did.
Should I be worried or do something for them? They don't look damaged. They are on the west facing side of the house, could that be throwing them off-kilter somehow?