posted 9 years ago
I live in Santa Cruz county, any my garden is infested with slugs and snails. I don't have the time to pick every single one by hand, and I can't seem to keep any young plants or seedlings alive. They eat the seed leaves of every sunflower, bean, flower, herb plant that grows in my garden.
I realize the problem I have is a predator deficiency, but I am in an urban setting and my HOA doesn't allow chickens or ducks. I am completely against slug-o. I have been trying several things to deter the snails from entering a perimeter around my seedlings. For instance, I used to get bags of coffee grounds from local shops then spread it all in 6" thick circles around the base of a newly transplanted zucchini plant. I have read about people having success using this method, though I did not share their same success. Recently, I have been saving all of my egg shells, baking them at around 250F until completely dry and the tips are starting to get golden, crushing them roughly into 1/4-1/2" shards, then spreading them in circles around vulnerable seedlings. I have read snails don't like the feeling of moving over these 'shards-of-glass' and will avoid them if able. Again, I didn't get similar results. I believe I came up with an effective natural way to manage my snail population.
Some species of turtles eat snails and slugs, along with plants in your garden. I was wondering if others use turtles as a predator. What type of plants should I keep a turtle away from? It seems obviouse to me that I shouldn't let them into a bed of lettuce or low flowers, but can I have them around largest plants or shrubs? I have Artichoke plants, jeresulem artichokes, sunflowers, various woody shrubs like microphylla, Cleveland sage, African safe, phygellium, salvia greggi, bush lupine, and a manzanita ground cover, blueberries, goji berry,and I'm planning on planting alfalfa for a nitrogen fixing chop and drop mulch. I also grow herbaceous plants like comfrey, borage, nasturtium, arugula, squash, strawberries, calendula, curly dock, lambs quarters, kale, cilantro (planted 6 plants last weekend, only have 3 left), climbing winter pea, and California poppy. I'd be worried about all of those plants. I wouldn't be worried about them eating my ripening tomatoes because I use the love apple farms method, growing indeterminate varieties and training the vines to grow vertically so the turtles won't be able to reach them.
Which turtle species do you have, and what percentage of their diet is plant matter? Would they eat a large amount of snails and slugs if presented? Why special features do your turtles need? Please link videos and other helpful instructional articles.
Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice.