I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a possible property me and my wife are looking at. We live in an area where
land is at a premium so when I tell you its 1/2 an acre, its all relative.
chickens for eggs, vegetable and fruit production, possible market
gardening with intensive relay cropping.
The land is situated nicely for growing (east to west facing house), and I can clear the front of the property to grow crops on about an 1/8th of an acre. The house sits on about 1/8 of an acre. The the back
yard (the rest of the property) has a septic tank right off the house that goes to a leach field that's about 50 yards out to the back of the property and has a leach air pipe sticking out. The soil is sandy soil in a costal town that I will build up over time .
I'm wondering if that backyard would be useless OR could I put a small
chicken coop and run for 6-8
chickens in an area and also have a small hoophouse for starts somewhere on the back / side of the property away from the leach field? I'd also like to keep my 4
compost bins / vermicompost out there. I'm worried about the leach field.
When considering this issue I'm trying to think that the problem is the solution but a leach field seems like something not to mess with.
Any ideas? or thoughts? Thank You.