Biggest success was taking the plunge and making it a lifelong service. 2nd success is keeping it going.
I think one of our success is just being there. our region just needed a place to provide an example to empower others to push the envelope.
What works to me? planting
roots and becoming a steward of your community. we have worked very hard to become members in this community. our method is open doors and transparency. there are many public food events throughout the year for "live" social I am one of the faces of our community as the Town Moderator i am charged with
local elections and town meetings which is a great way to participate and be accepted
While our work is to be explorers, it is important to be flexible and responsive to the larger community in which any particularly
project is immersed
What works- diversity in food products and
income streams. With income it is important to stack the functionality. We experimented producing herbal tea for ourselves and then recognized the bounty we have to offer. We teach drying & growing techniques, share the tea with visitors and
sell it packaged.
diversity in the landscape creates year in the forest garden we had bad trip with bald headed ground hornets, they sting for real...over the summer we noticed nests were being dug up by the skunks that appeared sometime 2-3 at a time walking around the grounds...soon the skunks disappeared and we came to assume that a great horned
owl must have arrived to feast on the abundance created
a great success is when you can get a skeptical local govt official to take a
PDC and wake up!
polycultures work heartnut, blueberry, elecampagne, daffodils, rhubarb or valerian, blackwalnut, raspberry
pigs work!! to provide disturbance and enrich fertility
our food system onsite is nice example. we arrived in 97 with a bushel of garlic and now we are well over 50% year round and close to 80-90% during the fall.
gleaning from the system works...accepting donations of 2nd hand goods and harvesting the wastes discarded has built community relations and our resources