ok this is about juggling, seasonality, and flexibility
one of the benefits of our latitude is the growing season is very short...there is frozen ground and snow from october to may...
as such we have a short window of opportunity for growing food but many months for other activities...in the winter more time is spent reading, creating
art, woodworking, forestry, fundraising, administrative, program development, and recreation
we prioritize our needs as a community based on the urgency and the practicality...the major projects are defined on an annual basis and we work towards them by discussing implementation plans on a weekly basis...
our community outreach and education activities are often integrated into fundraising and product sales...we offer tours as a fee based service thus providing outreach and revenue. onsite visitors for monthly community food events support us through donating funds for food...thus a pizza and movie night can be relaxing, productive outreach and revenue generation
typically we work between 26 and 80 hours per week...the work week is only 3 days...heres how it functions...mondays are meetings and cleanup, rest and relax, tuesday-thursday are coordinated works days generally from 8-5, friday is housecleaning chores and saturday and sunday are public events free time...throughout there are the daily chores of the farm and running the organization
also each resident has different areas of specialty and interest so some may spend additional time in certain areas of interest or responsibility...
let me know if i answered this sufficiently or if you have further questions