Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Bloom where you are planted.
Author 'Perennial Vegetables', co-author 'Edible Forest Gardens'.
Website -
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
I very strongly support the idea of putting in swales, ponds, etc first.
Bloom where you are planted.
Author 'Perennial Vegetables', co-author 'Edible Forest Gardens'.
Website -
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Author 'Perennial Vegetables', co-author 'Edible Forest Gardens'.
Website -
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Ed Colmar wrote:I'd like to reinforce Xisca's first point.
Wait, learn and listen.
The most important thing is to be patient and learn what your land has to tell you.
Spend time in all the areas of your land at various times of the year. Feel the wind. Look for the insects and wildlife. What are the native species already doing? What is the soil like in different areas.
Observe, take notes. Don't rush!
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Diversified Food forest maker . Fill every niche and you'll have less weeds (the weeds are the crop too). Fruit, greens, wild harvest, and nuts as staple. Food processing and preservation are key to self self-sufficiency. Never eat a plant without posetive identification and/or consulting an expert.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
This tiny ad is suggesting that maybe she should go play in traffic.
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