all great information. If you have a decent web connection go to sites like scribd and download some of the great peraculture
books on there (search
permaculture) and then at the bottoms where they have book suggestions, write those down and go from there.
read read read during the winter and make your plans..and then go from there..
myself i would suggest reading Gaia's Garden, a few of the downloads of
Bill Mollison's
permaculture book, and any other ones that are available on there.
i totally agree with the zones, but i don't believe that they should be circular, as people really don't generally live that way..say at our house our zone 1's are right outside our front back and side doors, however the areas close to our house on the east and west ends get a lot less use, so those might be zone 4 or 5..especially our nearly unaccessible west end that is a totally steep hill with only 9' between our house and the property line fence..i have it forested to things for the wildlife as people sure can't use it, so there are bird bushes and animnal forage trees and bushes there for the
deer, rabits and the birds.
also try to multitask your zones so that say on your way to your
chicken coop you can pick a few weeds for the
chickens to eat, and have the garden nearby so you can toss their manure on the garden or in the compost pile..and then you can pick a few food items on your way back to the house..multitasknig.
pay special attention to books on forest
gardening or edible forests when you are googling for info