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Quick Summary
A biodiverse forest that is stacked in space and time thus abundantly yielding food and other outputs including building natural capital. Seven layers or so are developed to give yields early on in the system and all throughout its life as it matures. In essence, Vines drape on
trees, herbs grow next to shrubs, and
roots are dug when appropriate. Meanwhile vegetables are interspersed Guild sectionproducing quickly while groundcovers spread to protect. Support species are highly integrated to develop soils and push the succession forward quickly. Edge is always remembered with maximum production in this system being one where there is not a completely
closed canopy. Nuclei developed early on in the system, such as a tree guild, merge over time to form a holistic ecosystem. Animal integration is warranted and evolves, as the system gets older. Prepatory
earthworks and soil repair often accompanies the implementation phase. Chop and drop and cycling of the layers over time are the main management tool as well as plant propagation for biodiversity and the stability and resilience that that brings.