On each day of the Summit, broadcasts start on the hour, at 8, 9 and 10 am Pacific Time (PDT). Each interview runs for 30-45 minutes, and is followed by discussion, questions, & answers, with Ocean Robbins. Listen with the youtube live player, directly on this page. - See more at: http://summit.foodrevolution.org/broadcasts/#sthash.ofvlxOcC.dpuf
Sunday, April 26 - Safe Food For All - Stand Up For Food You Can Trust
Andrew Kimbrell, JD - GMOs: Alarming Truth & What You Can Do
Vandana Shiva, Ph.D - Food, Democracy, & The Future of Life
Jeffrey Smith - Why GMOs Matter to YOU
Wednesday, April 29: Food Wisdom That Works - Find Out Why Some Healthy Eaters Fail – & How To Succeed
Michael Greger, MD - Low-Cost Solutions That Save Lives
Brenda Davis, RD - How You Can Thrive on a Plant-Strong Diet
Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC, CCN - Food As Medicine
Friday, May 1 - The Big Picture - Build A Healthy Food Future
Paul McCartney - Singing & Standing for Healthy Food
Congressman Tim Ryan - Sane Food Policy: What It’s Going To Take
Will Allen - Growing Healthy Food, People & Communities
Saturday, May 2: The State Of The World & Human Heart - Discover How To Show Your Love For Your Planet
Sylvia Earle, Ph.D - Restoring the Blue Heart of Our Planet
Frances Moore-Lappé - How We Can End World Hunger
Michael Bernard Beckwith - Say Yes To Thriving