well we have always had
deer on our property and i'm one of the strange people that don't try to deter them.
for the last 3 years we have had an area of our property where the deer nest during the winter time. There is a corner with 3 canadian hemlocks that have been limbed up to about 3' above the ground and they make a secluded corner spot which we can see from the house..3 years ago a doe slept there in the winter, the following year she and her fawn slept there, and the following year she and her little button buck slept there..sometimes just the buck.
well they also love to walk right along our fenceline to get from the woods in our back to the swampy woods across the street from us..taking cover along our fenceline to
feed, walk, rest and sleep.
i noticed last year that when there was heavy snow on the evergreens that they had difficulty moving along the fencerow..having to duck under or jump over branches that were being burdened with snow..so I made a note of it during the winter that I would limb up those evergreens this year.
Well yesterday I went out and I cut the dying and dead bottom branches off of 5 of the evergreens to about 3 1/2 to 4' above the ground..there are another 6 or 7 that i'm going to work on when the rain ends..i'll photograph them when i get them done and i'll try to include some photographs of where the deer have slept ..got a lot of pictures of them sleeping under the hemlocks...but i'll include the photos later..it will be interesting to see how they use the corridor that I have cleaned up for them along the fenceline..i have read in the past about providing wildlife corridors on your property and have always considered this area that here on our property..but never really had worked at making it easier for them to use..so it is an experiment for this winter.