Sorry for the provocative words. I guess something is wrong with my understanding. So, I see these brand-new banana circles with the young shoots planted so close together, and the holes are so small already. I have all kinds of bananas and plantains; those guys make 4 or 5 shoots each a year, and they grow big, tall, and out. One banana shoot will make its own banana circle with its offspring growing away from the original plant over 5 years. How come I see them planted so close together? I looked up banana spacing, and they say roughly 2m in between plants and rows to reduce risk of sigatoka, or whatever it's called. I would love to plant them more close together and turn each hole (well,
swale in my case, as it's a steep slope) into an oasis, with all kinds of plants growing together, but I'd like to understand better.
While I'm at it, any ideas for a banana guild?