Hello, I'm wondering about how long it takes for a deworming solution to pass threw
I'm assuming that any cow I buy, will have been dewormed, and I don't want that poison on any of my pastures. It kills the life in the soil, so I would build a quarantine area where all of the waste would be sent to a containment area where it would not get on my pastures. I'm thinking a separate septic system [only used for the quarantine area] from the main house so as to not disturb the anaerobic action going on in that system.
So, if a new cow was dewormed just before auction, how long would I need to keep it in a quarantine area for all of the poison to have passed threw her? All I've been able to find with Google is shelf life of the poison before giving it to the animal. I would assume that within 72 hours it
should all be gone?