I'm very grateful for your reply. All the recipes I could find used dry roots to make bitters, but that would mean that I would have to first dry the
root which seemed unnecessary.
I made some small batches of individual plant bitters.
Dry orange peel: Deliciously bitter.
Fresh 2nd year burdock: A bit on the sweet side, but burdock always is for me. Wouldn't mind it as a minor ingredient.
Fresh oregon grape root: Tastes worst of the lot, but has something in it my body says it would like for a week or two, but not long term.
Dry Teasel root: Tastes like intense tease tea. Feels good in me, so will definitely add this to my bitters.
Going to leave them a few more days to get stronger, than mix the batches together. It
should give me
enough oregon grape to satisfy whatever my body wants from it.
Was thinking by volume:
1 part burdock
4 parts teasel
5 parts orange
a clove
Any of these ingredients interact with each other in a unwanted way? I'm still reading about each plant, but so far going by what my body says, this is what I thought to try.