I have three does that are just bad about doing this, even after they have had their kits. I just have to "remake" their nest box every few days or they will drown their kits. I'm in the process of weeding them out, and replacing with does without this behavior, but it just seems to be them. One seems to think that the nest box when I put it in is a litter box. She will still kindle in it, but uses it as a litter box on one end. Two of them seem to do it as a territory response....so if there has been a predator near, there was a bad thunderstorm, or I've had to open the cage for some reason. Your doe may be more sensitive to her territory than the other, if she continues to do this after she kindles. I've fixed a couple who did this by giving them an "empty" box, and made them take
hay out of their feeder to build their nest. Once they had to work that hard at it, they stopped using it as a litter box.