Not sure if it would work, but what about the clean
pallets that many businesses collect in tottering heaps at their back doors waiting to be hauled away to the dump?? To be sure you would eventually end up with nails in the dirt, but if the bank is steep you aren't likely to be using it as a roadway anyway? It might be considered a sort of a hugelculture endeavor in the end result?
Just don't get the pallets from China as they are likely to have been treated with any number of ugly chemicals. Anything other than something that looks like raw
wood is generally recycled anyway. A huge number of pallets are used once and then would be good if people found a use for them. If you are near a town of any size at all you will likely be able to find more than you would ever need..I use only clean sound ones as they are much nicer to handle and I don't see the point of fussing with broken ones while sound ones get sent to the dump.
One place I asked told me they would be grateful if I would use the pallets that they can't recycle; otherwise they have to pay to have someone haul them away.