In Belize I took part in my first Woofing
experience at Spanish Creek Farm. This film explains what Woofing is and how to take part in it. It also shows what work and activities took place at the farm. This includes; nursing a lamb, horse riding, looking after
chickens, bamboo trimming, mulching, upkeep of plants and gardens, harvesting, cooking, furniture building and tool maintenance plus much more.
This film is created to promote the concept of woofing and to open peoples eyes to the type of work that takes place on a farm. Filmed in Feb 2013 directed by Serena Aurora.
I worked on the farm for 2 weeks. At the end of my stay I really appreciated the work that goes into running a farm. I really enjoyed working with the animals, it felt great to be in touch with nature and to know more about where my food comes from. Spanish creek farm is very well organised by the Manager Brooks, she is a fountain of knowledge and I learnt so much from her.