I have recently moved to the beautiful Ozark mountains from sunny South Florida to help out my mom and dad with the dog, cat, and
chickens and I love it here so far. I decided to up and leave a life of drudgery driving my car 45-55 hours a week delivering pizza and getting no where fast. I am slowly building up the miniscule flower garden my mother had going as I convince them to let me add more and more food. Fortunately (or unfortunately however you look at it, I like the physical workout) I have had to go at the dirt here with a pickaxe just o be able to get more than a single inch deep. Most recently I convinced mom to let me build a
hugelkultur bed and dad doesn't seem so happy yet because as of right now it is merely a long pile of
wood in the front garden (It's ugly.....fix it
). I would love to be able to find some fellow permies in the area if there are any. And as my mom has always said "HOWDY FROM THE COUNTRY"
I have been studying
permaculture as a hobby part time for the last 3-4 years, and much more so in the last year. Most of what I have been able to learn has been through
books as All of it is completely illegal in South Florida apartment living. I have read the entire
Permaculture Design Manual by Bill Mollison,
Sepp Holzer's
Permaculture, And am currently working on
Ben Falk's The Resilient Farm and Homestead.